The Clermont County Emergency Management Agency would like to thank all of our Cities, Townships, Villages, and County government agencies, public safety stakeholders, community partners, Ohio Emergency Management Agency, and the general public for their participation and feedback on the All-Hazards Mitigation Plan. The updated plan was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on April 22, 2020. We received the official approval from FEMA on June 15, 2020. The updated plan is valid until June 14, 2025.
What is hazard mitigation?
Hazard mitigation is any cost-effective and sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life or property from natural, technological, and human-caused hazards.
What is the purpose of hazard mitigation planning?
The purpose of All-Hazard Mitigation Planning is to:
- Identify the hazards that impact Clermont County, including the Cities, Villages, and Townships within the County;
- Identify actions and activities to reduce any losses from those hazards; and
- Establish a coordinated process to implement the Plan.
What is the benefit of hazard mitigation planning?
The benefits include:
- Assisting local communities with reducing risks by identifying vulnerabilities and developing strategies to lessen and/or eliminate the effects of a potential hazard;
- Building partnerships and reducing duplication of efforts among organizations with similar or overlapping goals;
- Creating more sustainable and disaster-resistant communities;
- Communicating needs to state and federal officials when funding becomes available, particularly after a disaster; and
- Increasing public awareness of local hazards and disaster preparedness.
What laws govern the hazard mitigation planning process?
State, Indian Tribal, and local governments are required by 44 CFR Part 201 to develop a hazard mitigation plan as a condition for receiving certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance, including funding for mitigation projects.
The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288), as amended by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, provides the legal basis for State, local, and Indian Tribal governments to undertake a risk-based approach to reducing risks from natural hazards through mitigation planning.
What are the hazards identified in the Plan?
1. Severe Storms |
8. Dam Failure |
2. Tornadoes |
9. Invasive Species |
3. Flooding |
10. Terrorism |
4. Utility Failure |
11. Extreme Temperatures |
5. Hazardous Materials Accident |
12. Drought |
6. Winter Storms |
13. Wildfire |
7. Landslides |
14. Earthquakes |
What mitigation actions were identified in the Plan?
Mitigation Actions |
All Hazards |
- Develop/update back-up power generation capabilities at critical facilities
- Update continuity of operations plans (COOP)
- Provide public education and outreach on disaster preparedness
- Update emergency operation plans (EOP)
- Maintain all-hazard outdoor warning siren system
- Continue fire code, building code, zoning, and floodplain management enforcement activities
Severe Storms |
- Public education campaign on having multiple means to receive alerts and warnings
- Update plans for timely debris clearance following severe storms
- Maintain National Weather Service StormReady certification
Tornadoes |
- Promote Ohio Safe Room Rebate Program
- Identify temporary storm safe locations
Flooding |
- Improve stormwater management system
- Identify and study poor draining areas to control flooding
- Repair or replace ditching and culverts to control flooding
- Continue to identify and study riverbank stabilization opportunities
- Provide guidance to property owners on acquisition/flood proofing of repetitive loss properties
- Encourage residents to purchase flood insurance
Utility Failure |
- Tree trimming along utility lines
Hazardous Materials Accidents |
- Develop wellhead protection plan
- Continue annual exercises with LEPC
- Maintain LEPC and the Tier II reporting
- Update commodity flow study
- Public outreach / education regarding disposal of household hazardous materials
Winter Storms |
- Provide public education and outreach on winter weather safety
Landslides |
- Develop map of landslide prone areas
- Enforce slide-prone area ordinance to limit fill/dumping
- Enforce draining control regulations
- Develop grading ordinances
- Implement sanitary system codes
- Provide mitigation guidance to property owners
- Implement restraining structures to hold soil in place
- Implement debris flow measures
- Implement grading to increase slope stability
- Consider vegetation placement and management plans to increase soil stability
- Consider placement of utilities outside of landslide prone areas
Dam Failure |
- Coordination with Ohio Department of Natural Resources to improve the implementation of the dam safety program
- Encourage dam owners to develop/update emergency action plans
- Encourage dam owners to be prepared to respond should their dam fail
- Public outreach / education regarding downstream risks
- Coordinate with local communities to ensure they understand the risk from dam failures
Invasive Species |
- Implement an education program on hazard identification, behavior, and quarantine procedures
- Public education on the importance of not importing/exporting firewood
- Work with agriculture producers to monitor and minimize nutrient runoff to prevent harmful algal blooms
Terrorism |
- Encourage critical infrastructure to implement protective measures
- Coordinate with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of large public gatherings
- Provide active aggressor guidance
Extreme Temperatures |
- Provide guidance and resources for vulnerable populations during extreme temperature events
- Provide guidance and resources on utility assistance programs
Drought |
- Encourage property owners to install water reduction equipment
- Develop water storage plans, water use ordinances, contingency plans, and water delivery system plans
- Encourage farmers to purchase crop insurance
Wildfire |
- Promote public education and outreach on smoking hazards and risk of recreational fires
- Provide public education on extreme fire danger and red flag warnings
Earthquake |
- Use community outreach activities to foster awareness of earthquake mitigation activities
- Work with the insurance industry to increase awareness of the importance of earthquake insurance