Local Emergency Planning Committee

The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is a coordinated planning body comprised of individuals who have expertise in planning and response to incidents involving hazardous materials.  The Clermont County LEPC was established pursuant to the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 or SARA Title III.

LEPC members are nominated by the Clermont County Board of Commissioners and approved by the SERC (State Emergency Response Commission).  LEPC members are volunteers and serve a two-year (2) term.  Members are reappointed during the odd numbered years.  The membership of an LEPC must include, without limitation, personnel from each of these groups: elected state and local officials, law enforcement, emergency management, firefighting, first aid, health, local environmental, hospital, transportation, broadcast/print media, community groups, and facilities (see Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 3750).

The LEPC is instrumental in fulfilling the purpose of the Community Right-to-Know law to increase the protection of the community from chemicals produced, used, stored, and/or transported within Clermont County.